The meeting for our new product went like a bomb yesterday.
新製品についてのきのうのミーティングは成功裏に終わった。(go like a bomb:高速が出る、うまくいく、大当たりする、超スピードで走る)
The only fly in the ointment was their baby who had been crying through their wedding ceremony.
唯一、玉にきずは結婚式のあいだじゅう、彼らの赤ん坊が泣いていたことだね。(a fly in the ointment:玉にきず、楽しみのぶちこわし)
Nice going ! You did a good job, Tom ! /"Nice going," frowned May, as Joh upset the bowl of beans.
たいしたものよ!よく頑張ったわ、トム。/ ジョーがビーンズの入ったボウルをひっくり返すと、メイが「やってくれたわね」と眉をひそめた。(Nice going:たいしたものだ、でかした)
I don't think Rebecca has a ghost of chance to win that game.
レベッカがその試合に勝つわずかな可能性もないと思う。(a ghost of a chance:わずかな見込み、チャンスのかけら)
Judy was up in arms about her brother's begavior toward his wife.