"Jess doesn't think she can't be all things to all people" "That's the trouble with her"
Poor John can't dance at all. He's all thumbs.
気の毒なジョンはまったくダンスができない。不器用だから。(all thumbs:不器用な、ぶざまな)
Thomas didn't tip his hand so I could only conjecture what his plans were.
トーマスは自分の意図を明かさなかったので、彼の計画がどういうものかは推測するしかない。(tip one's hand:手の内<意図・真意・立場>を明らかにする。うっかり計画をもらす)
Timmy has been as happy as a clam since he moved to the country with his parents.
ティミーは両親と共に田舎に引っ越してから、とても幸せだ。(as happy as a clam:とても幸せで、とても喜んで)
It's all very well to go there with you, but I wonder if we won't come back till dinner.
一緒にそこへ行くのはまったくかまわないんだけど、夕食までに帰ってこれないんじゃないかと思って。(all very well:大変けっこうだが、万事オーケーだが、いいんだけど)